The ovven is a garment that can be worn to slasque and house parties as well as other parties of that caliber. In both Karlskrona and Karlshamn, ovven are nowadays carried down cabbed. This means that the top is only worn up to the waist, the rest hangs down and the sleeves are used to advantage as pockets.
In Karlskrona, the above shows which educational association you belong to by having the whole of it colored in its colours. The colors we have in Karlskrona are:
#ROOT - Military green (Utilized by the IT-security programs)
BOSS – Orange (Utilized by Technical Artist and the different game development programs)
BITS - Navy blue (Utilized by Telecom, Telecom/Datacom, Medical Technology and Software Technology)
EKEN - Purple (Utilized by Economics students)
Mårfin(t) - Dark green (Nurses)
ROST - Red (Utilized by the students in mechanical engineering and marine engineering.
In Karlshamn, the ovve shows which education you attend. The colors we use here are:
Web development - Purple
Digital games - Brown
Digital audio production - Pink
Digital image production - Dark grey
The idea of the ovven is to show people what you do. One can sew or glue on badges to show one's interests and achievements.
Parts of the ovven can be exchanged between individuals to signal different things. For example, changing an ovveben means nothing in Blekinge, but at another university it can signal something special. That's what makes life exciting