The technologist cap is a cap worn by technologists. These caps also differ from university to university. At Blekinge Institute of Technology, a cap of the Lunda model with a burgundy hill is used. It is otherwise identical to the caps worn at Lund University of Technology. Unlike Lund, we don't change hats in the winter and now we have moved away from the concept of one spettag a year. Spegatt is a small ball made of thread that is threaded onto the tassel that hangs down from the tongue. In the past, in Blekinge there have been different models of the cap depending on which, at the time, line association the student belonged to and which campus they studied at.
The cap is worn by having it slightly tilted towards the tongue, the cap sits on the slant in the x direction compared to the wearer's head. It is also worn slightly tilted back on the neck, so that the screen indirectly ceases to function as a sun protection.
We now carry the spegatter according to the principle:
An educational association show. Either you have one in full color for a normal school year or you have one with a gold (lurex) thread in the middle to show that you are on the board of the educational association.
One spegatt per board you sit on, then only applies to union-related boards. Examples of these are the Council of Elders (SIS) whose spettat is black-white-black and the Rotundans which is black-blue-black.
This means that, as a second-year student, you can in practice have around 8 spegatts instead of the only 2 that you used to have before.
Inflationen löses genom att fler blir aktiva i kåren så att man inte kan sitta i 8 stycken styrelser under ett år.
The study break allowance is only obtained if you, as a student, have taken a break from your program. This does not apply if you dropped out of a program to later start studying something else.
One for each year of education started.
Education association
One for each year on the board of education association.
One for each year on the board for the section.
One for each granted study break. One for serving in the military.